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When it comes to customer loyalty and engagement, many print-on-demand art sellers believe that their customers will make one or two purchases at most. In this webinar, we wanted to demystify that belief and demonstrate that having a loyal following and repeat customers is very achievable. We explored various strategies to keep your customers engaged and improve your business’s overall connections with them.

If you like reading more than watching, we’ve got you. Read on for all the instructions. You can also jump to any topic you want from the list below.

Importance of Customer Engagement

Strategies for Enhancing Customer Engagement

Product Recommendations

Personalized Emails

Loyalty Programs

Gathering and Acting on Customer Feedback

Fostering Community and User-Generated Content

Collaborations with Influencers

Creating Collectible Products


Importance of Customer Engagement

Improving customer engagement can lead to significant revenue increases. According to a Forbes article, companies that make improvements in customer engagement see a 38% increase in sales revenue. Better customer engagement can also lead to better upsell and cross-sell opportunities and improve your customer lifetime value (CLV).

Strategies for Enhancing Customer Engagement

Here are some strategies to help you improve customer engagement:

Product Recommendations

Use apps and tools to track your customers’ behavior on your website and offer personalized product recommendations based on their preferences. This approach helps bring products they are interested in to the forefront of their shopping experience.

Personalized Emails

Sending personalized emails can enhance your customers’ experience. This can include automated emails triggered by customer actions (e.g., abandoned carts, milestone purchases) or manually crafted emails for special events or product launches. Personalized subject lines and content make customers feel valued and understood.

Loyalty Programs

Implementing loyalty programs can encourage repeat purchases and increase customer engagement. Tailor your loyalty programs to suit your customer base and consider gamifying them for added fun and interaction.

Gathering and Acting on Customer Feedback

Collect customer feedback through multiple channels, such as surveys, ratings, reviews, and social media. Categorize and track the feedback to identify patterns and areas for improvement. Act on the feedback to show customers that their opinions matter and to enhance their experience.

Fostering Community and User-Generated Content

Encourage customers to engage with your brand and each other by creating forums, blogs, or photo-sharing opportunities. This helps build a sense of community and encourages customers to share their experiences with your products.

Collaborations with Influencers

Working with influencers who align with your brand can expand your reach and bring in new customers. Identify influencers who already use or align with your products and explore collaboration opportunities.

Creating Collectible Products

Offer variations of your artwork or products to create a sense of collectability. This approach can turn one-time buyers into repeat customers who return to your store to complete their collections.


Building customer engagement and loyalty is essential for any print-on-demand business. By implementing these strategies, you can create meaningful connections with your customers, increase repeat purchases, and ultimately grow your business.

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