Create product listings that sell on Shopify. Discover all the tips, best practices and examples for optimizing your product listing titles, descriptions, variants, tags, and images.
Create product listings that sell on Shopify. Discover all the tips, best practices and examples for optimizing your product listing titles, descriptions, variants, tags, and images.
Price your art prints to allow your POD business to turn a profit. Consider your goals, target market, costs, and competition to determine the best pricing structure for you.
Easily create imagery for your store with your art on Lumaprints’ products! In this webinar we will show you how to use our templates for canvas, framed canvas, fine art paper prints. and framed fine art paper prints.
Explore the answers to key questions for a profitable print-on-demand business. Our team of experts provide helpful tips, insights, and information to customer queries.
Add multiple items to a single order in our new ordering system. Explore features of our editing tool so you can utilize it to refine your images for optimum printing results and build up your product library over time.
We’ll show you how make an order and go over any questions you may have along the way. Our new website has a new ordering process and we would like to have this webinar available for you as a resource.
Get the perfect print every time. We’ll show you how to optimize your images and give you important tips and checkpoints to ensure high-quality reproductions of your work.
Connect your online store to our new Lumaprints ordering site. Whether it’s Shopify, Etsy, or ShipStation (for other platforms), learn how to set up your store and map your products.
Prepare your canvas print files with ease. This tutorial outlines the instructions and best practices for using our Canvas Template PSD to ensure that your images are always print-ready.
Selling online just got easier with our new automated order processing system. Sync your store and products, turn on the automation function, and get your orders fulfilled fast.